Monday, June 18, 2012



The next character quality in complete player is teachability.  This is being willing and able to learn. 

I got my first taste of this when I was in college playing baseball.  I would have family and friends contact me and want me to work with their son’s on hitting or pitching.  I would get there and the kid’s mind would be somewhere else and have zero focus.  Obviously the kid didn’t want to be there but they were there because mom or dad wanted them to be.   Those early encounters coaching helped me realize two things…

First, I figured out that when I have the opportunity to impact kids I need their full attention and focus so that what I say has a chance to soak in and they can learn.  Second, is that I learned to be up front with people and let them know that I am more than willing to help any kid out there but if they don’t want to be I don’t want to be!  It might be the most frustrating thing as a coach to have a kid who doesn’t listen or follow directions.

Here are some opposites that may help you realize if you are being teachable or not!

Learner          or        Dull
Student           or        Distracted
Knowledge     or        Ignorant
Competent     or        Incompetent
Flexible           or        Stubborn

My question of the week is:

Are you a Learner?

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