Monday, June 25, 2012



“I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty six times I have been trusted to make the game winning shot and missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed.”  Michael Jordan

What is Endurance?
Enduring difficult situations to become stronger regardless
of how you may feel.

It’s described as…
To finish strong regardless of circumstances.
Do not grow tired of doing well for at the proper time.
You will receive great rewards if you do not give up and persevere.

Who are you?                                                   
Patience                         or                          Hot-headed
Staying power                 or                          Quits
Tenacious                       or                           Lets up
Battles                            or                          Surrenders
Finishes                           or                          Comes up short

Where does the game demand it?
• Play to the end. (whistle/buzzer/drill/practice/season/life)
• Don’t take any plays off.


Play Hard - I am determined to play until the end.

Play Together - I am determined to never quit on others.

Play Smart - I am determined to stay motivated no matter what.

Play True - I am determined to finish
with integrity.

Outcome: “You are a competitor.”

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