Monday, May 14, 2012



This week I will talk about being prepared.  We define this in sport as being willing and able to do something; made ready in advance.  The outcome is “You are Ready”!

It’s funny how things work themselves out as I sit here conjuring up something to share, I thought of yesterday and it plays right into this post.

I am a baseball coach and I coach the classes in Twinsburg.  Yesterday we had our hit, run, score class running and as we are winding down I wanted to have a solid practice with them to review positions and situations.  After about 4 rounds of infield and every single catch or throw not being a success, I took a deep breath and asked my boys to come together. 

Hold there, the problem that I observed was that they were happy and complacent with being average or in this case below average.  The problem is as a coach I was not demanding perfection which in turn is not preparing them for their team or season. 

So I looked at them and bluntly asked them if they were happy with being average?  I obviously got NO’s.  I told them that to continue to get better and be a contributor and leader on their teams that they needed to prepare better and demand more of themselves.  I can coach till I’m blue in the face but if you don’t have internal motivation then we may as well go home and not waste our time.

With a little work I sent them back out to the diamond and we agreed that we would not play the game at the end until we had perfection on every catch and throw at every position.  I know your wondering how long that took.  I positively reinforced them and continued to stress being perfect and demanding it internally not externally.  One of the kids barely messed up a catch and bobbled it and when the play was over I asked are you happy with that?  His answer was “NO give me another coach.”  It definitely took a high level of concentration and focus but we achieved our goal and I am very confident that they all had taken another step forward at being prepared for their season.


Coach Todd

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