Monday, May 7, 2012

Mental Toughness

We define Mental Toughness to be consistent and remain focused, being resilient and in control under pressure; having an edge!

If you’re Mentally Tough the Outcome will be:  “You are in Control”

Here are 3 reasons to be Mentally Tough no matter the situation!
-          Keeps you focused at the task at hand
-          Doesn’t allow frustration / mistakes to demoralize your focus
-          Assists you in not breaking down under pressure

Positive                                               Negative
- Controlled                                         - Frustrated
- Steady                                               - Chaos
- Focus                                                            - Confused
- Poise                                                 - Meltdown

Where does the game demand you being Mentally Tough?
-          To block out what is not important
-          To respond correctly to the pressures of the game
-          Allows you to bounce back from mistakes

To Play Hard – I am determined to be relaxed and ready

To Play Smart – I am determined to be poised

To Play Together – I am determined to be calm for others

To Play True – I am determined to be myself

Mentally Tough Quotes
-          “Concentration and Mental Toughness are the margins of victory” Bill Russell
-          Mentally Tough is staying strong and thriving in the love of the Game
-          Be on Guard - Proverb
-          “It is not letting anyone break you” Jimi Mitchell, PSU

“Will you be disciplined today?”

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