Monday, May 21, 2012



The next word in the acronym COMPLETE PLAYER is Love.  Love is giving up your own desires for the benefit of others.  How cool is this concept?  As a coach this is probably my favorite character quality to instill into young players.  Usually if I talk about the word love to any boy under the age of 14yrs old, it is a giggle fest.  Try it! Say the word love in front of most of the boys you would be around and I can guarantee that they laugh, smirk or giggle about it. 

There are obviously 2 types of love the boyfriend/girlfriend kind, and then genuine caring love.  In sports when we are part of a team we need to learn to love our teammates.  That doesn’t mean we should go out on a date somewhere, but that we need to be willing to do anything for a teammate. 

Because I am a baseball guy, if I can get 9-11 guys to do anything for the other, then they will have no problem going the extra mile and picking one another up after a bad at bat, or sacrificing themself for the team.  I have coached teams and, played on many more, and very rarely do you find a team where the whole team as a unit cares for one another.  Where they are willing to give up something they desire for the benefit of others.  Most of the time, you get groups of guys who buddy up, or a selfish player who only does what benefits him or her. 

With that being said, if you have a team where you can say love is a core part of your team, then you my friend have something very special, and you need to cherish the opportunity to play with that group of people.

Have a great week,

Coach Todd

Learn more about Character Qualities we believe in here,

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