Monday, April 23, 2012


Pinnacle is determined with its mission and vision to develop athletes for life.  With that being said I want to start a weekly discussion amongst the Pinnacle family (Coaches, employees, families members, customers) what it means to be a “COMPLETE PLAYER”, in life and sports.  We will use Complete Player as an acronym and each week I will write on a Character Quality (CQ).

Our first word is “Commitment”.  This foundational CQ needs to be recognized early because you cannot start anything and do it to the best of our ability if you don’t commit!  Commitment is not an easy thing especially in the world we live in today.  You have multiple siblings pulling parents each way, you have kids starting things and it is just too much for them to juggle or maybe they don’t like it after they start.

Most of the time when you make a commitment it is not only to yourself, but also to others, if that’s a coach, teammate etc.  As parents it is important to hold your children accountable.  They should understand that when you commit to something you have to do everything in your power to see it through. 

Commitment is the devotion or dedication to a cause or person.  “Dedicated vs. Uncommitted”, quitting is the path of least resistance. 

How have you came across Commitment and dealt with it either in your own path or your children’s?

Coach Todd

Learn more about Character Qualities we believe in here,

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