Tuesday, October 16, 2012

You Can

This week we are going to discuss the Character Quality, “You Can”.  “You Can” is being at you best when your best is needed.  It is the, “I can vs. I can’t” factor.  How many times do we ask our kids to do something and get the response “I can’t”?  I often get that very response as I coach. To me, it generally means one of two things.  One, they don’t want to do what I am asking them to do.  Or two, they don’t fully understand what I am asking to do and they are not comfortable or confident that they will be successful.  So it is my job to help them get into a comfort zone so they can be successful.  

“I can’t”, is simply the path of least resistance (the human factor).  I coach baseball and it is very easy for me to give one of my students a drill that is almost impossible for them to do at their level of play.  But sometimes when I am dealing with “You Can”, I will intentionally do it so that they understand the concept.  The drill will change depending on the age of the kids I am coaching but what I have to do is give them something that they have never done or are not comfortable doing.  I will take time and explain how to be successful at the drill and exactly what they need to do.  By doing this, I am building their confidence and ensuring that they will become comfortable over a short period of time.  Every repetition may not be perfect, but every time they do something right, that is a step forward, I reward them with praise. 

We can also do this with homework, chores or any other part of their lives; we can help them believe that they can do so much more!

“Will you believe today?”

Positive                    or                    Opposite

Believe                                                               Insecure

Confidence                                                         Hesitation

Boldness                                                            Doubt

Sure                                                                   Indecisive

Faith                                                                  Fear

Coach Todd

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