Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Code of Conduct

Pinnacle Sports sets an expectation for coaches, parents, players and spectators that reflect good conduct, sportsmanship and character at every Pinnacle Sports event. This is who we are – our mission – to Develop Athletes For Life. We are ALL part of that mission and our expectation is that ALL involved abide and live by this Code of Conduct.
Pinnacle Sports Code of Conduct for Coaches, Parents, Players and Spectators

No Coach/Parent/Player/Spectator Shall:
-         Berate or belittle any referee or player
-         Display any inappropriate behavior including verbal attacks/profanity to come from my mouth, physical attacks toward any individual or encouraging verbal or physical attacks on any individual
-         Use or be under the influence of drugs or alcohol at any Pinnacle Sports event

All Coaches/Parents/Spectators Shall:
-         Consider myself a role model for all those in attendance and all youth participating
-         Realize that everyone is doing their best and that only my best is acceptable
-         Treat everyone as I expect to be treated; with respect, class and dignity
-         Realize that players and referees will make mistakes and those mistakes are learning experiences
-         Lead by example and always demonstrate good sportsmanship and character before, during and after all games and activities
-         Respect all facilities and equipment made available by Pinnacle Sports, including staying off all fields and playing surfaces unless authorized

All Players Understand that:
-         I am taking part in a competitive game and that everyone involved is giving their best
-         I have a commitment to the game, my team and all individuals involved to act appropriately at all times
-         In the heat of competition I am still a role model for those around me and wish to embrace good sportsmanship and fair play

“Character is doing what is right when no one is looking.”

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