Friday, July 27, 2012

Final 2012 Summer Baseball Camp!

Our final Summer BASEBALL Instructional Camp will be held next week in our Medina facility beginning Monday July 30th .   The 4 day HIT RUN SCORE CAMP is built exactly like our popular Hit Run Score class.  Players will focus both on skills training and game play.  Athletes will rotate through a series of skills:  hitting, bunting, base running, sliding, infield and outfield for 75 minutes and play a game on the field for 75 minutes. Players age will determine the camp time with those ages 6-8 attending our 9:30-noon session and players ages 9-12 will attend the 1-3pm session. Space is limited so call now! 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Volleyball Camps!

Don’t get shut out!  Pinnacle Sports is pleased to offer our customers a Summer Instructional Volleyball Camp,  for players in grades 4th-8th,  in both Medina and Twinsburg this month!  Athletes will cover all of the basic areas of the game of volleyball while concentrating on the following skills and drills:  Passing, Setting, Serving and Hitting.  The Medina camp will be held July 16th-19th from 9:00-11:30am while the Twinsburg camp runs July 23rd-26th from 1:00-3:30pm.  Space is limited!  Call to register today!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Code of Conduct

Pinnacle Sports sets an expectation for coaches, parents, players and spectators that reflect good conduct, sportsmanship and character at every Pinnacle Sports event. This is who we are – our mission – to Develop Athletes For Life. We are ALL part of that mission and our expectation is that ALL involved abide and live by this Code of Conduct.
Pinnacle Sports Code of Conduct for Coaches, Parents, Players and Spectators

No Coach/Parent/Player/Spectator Shall:
-         Berate or belittle any referee or player
-         Display any inappropriate behavior including verbal attacks/profanity to come from my mouth, physical attacks toward any individual or encouraging verbal or physical attacks on any individual
-         Use or be under the influence of drugs or alcohol at any Pinnacle Sports event

All Coaches/Parents/Spectators Shall:
-         Consider myself a role model for all those in attendance and all youth participating
-         Realize that everyone is doing their best and that only my best is acceptable
-         Treat everyone as I expect to be treated; with respect, class and dignity
-         Realize that players and referees will make mistakes and those mistakes are learning experiences
-         Lead by example and always demonstrate good sportsmanship and character before, during and after all games and activities
-         Respect all facilities and equipment made available by Pinnacle Sports, including staying off all fields and playing surfaces unless authorized

All Players Understand that:
-         I am taking part in a competitive game and that everyone involved is giving their best
-         I have a commitment to the game, my team and all individuals involved to act appropriately at all times
-         In the heat of competition I am still a role model for those around me and wish to embrace good sportsmanship and fair play

“Character is doing what is right when no one is looking.”

Monday, July 9, 2012



Purpose is knowing and understanding your end goals, which ultimately will let you accomplish your mission.  If you go through life without a purpose you are essentially spinning your wheels and not gaining any ground.  Having a purpose helps you direct all your energy and focus on the task at hand to accomplish goals. 

Here at Pinnacle Sports, our mission is to Develop Athletes for Life, so it is our duty as employees and coaches to focus all of our energy on making that a reality for our customers.

As a coach, the first thing you should do with your team is “think backwards”, meaning establish your vision and mission or purpose.  What does the end of season party/banquet look like?  Are you celebrating a good season?  A championship? Or just glad you made it through ok?  Once this is set in stone then you work backwards until present day, strategically setting a plan of attack.  Having a purpose just doesn’t happen by itself.  Do you think that the New York Giants won this years Super Bowl on a whim?  Absolutely not. They knew their goal, spent month’s planning out exactly how to accomplish their mission, and directed all their energy to accomplishing that mission until completed.  This can be used in sports, business and family.

Purpose: “How do you measure up?”

Positive                     vs                    Opposite
Reason                       vs                    Directionless
Intention                    vs                    Coast
Goal oriented             vs                    Wonder
“Want to”                   vs                    “Have to”