Friday, November 30, 2012

Baseball Coach Bill Goddard


Coach Goddard is the former head baseball coach at Wadsworth HS where he holds the school record for most wins in history during his 17 year tenure.  Played at Wadsworth HS before going to the University of Akron where he patrolled center field and was the 1980 captain and Outstanding Defensive Player.  He at one time held the Zips record for most hits in a season.  Coach Goddard is in the Wadsworth HS Hall of Fame, Medina County Sports Hall of Fame and Greater Akron Baseball Hall of Fame.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thoughts from Rich

Thoughts from Rich

A friend of mine shared these “life lessons” with me that came from her grandmother. Let’s remember that simplicity is good and advice from those older and wiser than ourselves is invaluable.
  1. Be polite. Say “thank you,” “please,” and “I am sorry.”
  2. Lower your voice if you want me to hear you.
  3. Stop whining or begging — it is unattractive.
  4. If you don’t like her, she probably doesn’t like you. (Ouch, I remember that stinging.)
  5. Be fair. No manipulating to get your way — again, it is unattractive.
  6. Don’t sweat the small stuff or fight over petty issues.
  7. No one will change until you change.
  8. A smile wins more than a frown.
  9. You are not as important as you might think.
  10. Don’t become your own problem.
Although there is no direct tie to athletics and sports, these “life lessons” are what we try to teach daily at Pinnacle Sports. Take these to heart and live them daily.

Monday, November 26, 2012


This week we will be sharing the character quality; IMPROVEMENT. 

Improvement is the process of getting better.  No matter if we are a parent, employee, employer, student, coach, teacher, player or professional athlete, there is always room for improvement.  The best players out there are always challenging themselves to get better because if they are not then why continue competing because someone else out there is and eventually will pass them up.

The reason I chose this CQ is because we are all dealing with athletes that are in high school or younger.  I have watched about every sport at every level and every athlete I have ever seen has a soft spot in their game somewhere.  Here at Pinnacle Sports training is what we do and training is how your athletes improve. 

I tell my hitting classes that I would rather have quality over quantity.  If a kid comes in and nonchalantly goes through the motions he is getting worse because there is no focus or determination to get better.  I would rather have 15 focused and determined swings than 40 really fast, unskilled and without purpose.  Over time the 15 good swings will help that player improve more than the 40 lazy ones.


Positive                   Opposite

Better                                      Same
Self - Disciplined                    Lazy
Want to                                   Have to
Skillful                                    Unskilled
Developing                              Complacent

Coach Todd


Friday, November 23, 2012

The VanDevere Bunch

Thank you again to the Chevy VanDevere Bunch for their 2012 partnership with Pinnacle Sports and our youth soccer programs!

Monday, November 19, 2012



The next character quality in complete player is teachability.  This is being willing and able to learn. 

I got my first taste of this when I was in college playing baseball.  I would have family and friends contact me and want me to work with their son’s on hitting or pitching.  I would get there and the kid’s mind would be somewhere else and have zero focus.  Obviously the kid didn’t want to be there but they were there because mom or dad wanted them to be.   Those early encounters coaching helped me realize 2 things.

First, I figured out that when I have the opportunity to impact kids I need their full attention and focus so that what I say has a chance to soak in and they can learn.  Second, is that I learned to be up front with people and let them know that I am more than willing to help any kid out there but if they don’t want to be I don’t want to be!  It might be the most frustrating thing as a coach to have a kid who doesn’t listen or follow directions.

Here are some opposites that may help you realize if you are being teachable or not!

Learner          or        Dull
Student           or        Distracted
Knowledge     or        Ignorant
Competent     or        Incompetent
Flexible           or        Stubborn

My question of the week is:

Are you a Learner?