Friday, September 28, 2012

Pinnacle Sports Indoor Soccer Leagues!

Pinnacle Sports Indoor Soccer Leagues are starting soon!  We have youth and adult leagues available at our Medina location.  Both leagues start up at the beginning of November and run through spring of next year.  Check out our website for more information!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Introducing Mike Thomas!

Pinnacle Sports/Medina has hired a new volleyball coach for the 2012-2013 season! Mike Thomas, who is currently the Assistant Director for Zone Volleyball Club, has agreed to join Pinnacle and coach our volleyball skills and drills classes.  Mike is a graduate of Howland High School and The Ohio State University, where he played club volleyball.  He has also played on many men’s indoor teams, as well as beach teams.  Mike brings both a wealth of knowledge for the game and a passion for teaching, leading and coaching young people in volleyball.  He is also currently coaching the Zone Volleyball Club 15 American and 16 American teams.  Welcome aboard Coach Mike!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Good Question!


Posted on 09/02/2012

There are so many REALLY good coaches out there and I have had the good fortune to speak in front of them and learn directly from them. They have trusted me to work with their athletes and teams, and I am where I am in my career today largely because of them. I am confident that these coaches will understand my need to speak out about a topic that finally needs to be directly addressed!   

First and foremost, OUR CHILDREN ARE HUMAN, whether they are 7 years old or 22! They are living, breathing, impressionable and feeling organisms. We seem to recognize this in the classroom when we call them "students." The best teachers teach them with patience, support and encourage them with constructive feedback and praise, and create a safe learning environment where they are allowed to make mistakes and fail, because EVERYONE knows that this is how you learn! You learn BEST from making mistakes and failing!

So I want to know, what happens when that school bell rings at 3:00pm signaling the end of the school day and the "student" is now called an "athlete" by the coach? Unfortunately, every week I hear a lot of what REALLY happens to some of my "student-athletes." They are yelled at and called disgusting names by the coach for making mistakes and failing, using language that would get any teacher immediately fired. They are demeaned and humiliated by the coach in front of their peers, another sanctionable behavior were it to come from a teacher. These coaches "teach" by using intense fear and intimidation, creating an unsafe environment that sabotages the learning process, kills creativity and creates performance problems, again behaviors that would be reportable in ANY school system! Excuse me....but aren't we in a school system here???? 
I will often hear that this behavior is ONLY directed at one or two students. Along with this, I will frequently hear that these targeted students are simply "too sensitive," not tough enough and/or are really the problem here. So, I guess that if a teacher in a classroom only targeted one or two people to swear at and humiliate, then this would be OK, especially if the targeted students were "too sensitive?" It's my understanding that in most schools, there is a zero tolerance policy for student-to-student bullying. Have we not evolved enough as a culture to do the same for a coach who is not really teaching as much as he/she is really BULLYING?
In my 28 years of experience working with thousands of athletes I know the following to be true: Bullying, demeaning and humiliating athletes does NOT create mental toughness or peak performance in them. On the CONTRARY! It makes athletes anxious and physically tight, distracts them from the important tasks at hand, kills their motivation and enjoyment of the sport, shuts down the learning process and generates performance problems like choking, slumps and blocks! This kind of coaching behavior NEVER gets the best out of the athlete. NEVER!  

I know that when coaching abuse does happen, it makes administrators and some parents uncomfortable. Therefore, it gets explained away as, "Oh, that's just "X," he/she is really "passionate" and doesn't mean any harm!"

Can you see the cruel absurdity of this double standard and how it has seriously damaged youth sports? Ask any athlete from any sport, ages 7 to 22 and you will hear these HORROR stories. These student-athletes know the difference between good and bad coaching because they've either observed it or experienced it directly. However, as adults: parents, coaches, administrators and athletic directors, WE NEED TO STAND UP AND PROTECT OUR KIDS FROM EMOTIONAL ABUSE and call it what it is!! Until we do, our crazed sports culture will continue to focus on winning at the terrible expense of our children!

Goldberg, Dr. Alan. Why is emotional abuse accepted on the athletic field, yet grounds for firing in the classroom?  Retrieved September 6, 2012, from

Monday, September 17, 2012



As I work through the Complete Player acronym, we come to Loyalty.  Loyalty is using difficult times to demonstrate your commitment to others or what is right. 

If you have ever been a part of a team, you know it is hard sometimes to stay 100% committed to each other.  Things happen; you may go on a losing streak or have issues with another teammate or even the coach.  As a leader, Loyalty is the CQ that will help you over come these rocky situations when it seems impossible to keep a team together.  

Here are a few questions to think about to see if you demonstrate loyalty.  Do you show up when it is crunch time (do you want the ball or the last shot)?  Can you bring your team together or do you divide them when chaos hits?  If you have a teammate that is loyal, do you feel that they are there with you no matter what?  Are you like that to your teammates?

Below you will see some words that describe loyalty and words that define the total opposite.  One of my personal favorites is the word allegiance because it reminds me of my favorite movie (Gladiator), those slaves/gladiators only survived the fight if they were loyal to each other and by coming together they formed an allegiance that could not be broke. Would they have been divided or at odds, they would have lost every battle.  The word faithful is another word for Loyal and there are hundreds of examples that can be given: Marriage, Team, Religion, etc. 

Positive                     vs                    Opposite
Devotion                                            Divided
Allegiance                                           At Odds
Faithfulness                                       Unfaithful
Friend                                                 Enemy
Dedicated                                           Uncommitted

Loyalty is important in all facets of life, in order for you to build strong relationships with others you need to be loyal to them, as you would prefer them be loyal to you.

Have a great week,

Coach Todd